Watch Veganologie on the Big Screen!

Watch Veganologie on the Big Screen!

Catch Veganologie on TV! Our Founder, Angana Maheshwari, has been invited to speak on both DXB Today Show on Dubai One TV Channel in Dubai and on the Leaders of Tomorrow Show on The Economic Times Channel in India.  

Watch how she speaks about her unwavering commitment to sustainability, which has given rise to a brand that champions the battle against plastic pollution.  She also spoke about Veganologie, the positive impact of sustainable fashion, upcycling, and, of course, bringing Apple leather to the UAE and GCC.

We are proud to showcase how sustainable fashion can help the environment reduce the fashion industry’s resource consumption, pollution, and carbon footprint while promoting ethical and responsible practiced. We are also proud to showcase how Female-Owned and Female-Led brands are growing in the UAE, especially in the Year of Sustainability.

Watch the interviews, and let us know your thoughts!

DXB Today Show: 

Leaders of Tomorrow: 

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